Quality Check

The PHP Quality Assurance Toolchain contains a lot of tools for creating metrics and documentation. It can be easily installed using PEAR.

This development environment uses

  • PHPUnit
  • PHP Mess Detector
  • PHP Copy/Paste Detector
  • PHP_CodeSniffer
  • PHP_CodeBrowser
  • PHP_Depend

Some of them produce XML log files, which are stored in build/logs. Additionally, the test logs from the test installations are are moved to this directory, grouped by the name of the test installation. After a full build, the following log files are found:

J3-latest       // one for each test installation, named accordingly
checkstyle.xml  // Style violations report from PHP_CodeSniffer
clover.xml      // Coverage report from PHPUnit
depend.xml      // Dependency metrics from PHP_Depend
junit.xml       // Test report from PHPUnit
phploc.csv      // LOC based metrics from PHPLOC
pmd.xml         // Mess report from PHP Mess Detector
pmd-cpd.xml     // Code duplication report from PHP Copy/Paste Detector
summary.xml     // Several other metrics from PHP_Depend